Information Literacy

"Being information literate allows people to be free and hold leaders accountable."   

-Carrie Forbes, Librarian, University of Denver


ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries)

ACRL Information Literacy info page

Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education (link to website)

The Standards (link directly to document)


ALSC (Association for Library Service to Children)

Information Literacy - From Preschool to High School


AASL (American Association of School Libraries)

Standards for the 21st-Century Learner (link to website)

The Standards (link directly to document)


Colorado Standards for Information Literacy


The Big 6

“Data collected from thousands of students showed that students who were taught informative nonfiction using the Big6 approach with a combination of analytical, creative, and practical activities, outperformed students who were taught two alternative approaches."


Project SAILS at Kent State University

This is a product of Kent State University that is used to assess the Information Literacy of students.  Other organizations can purchase this software.


Weber State Information Literacy Program

"The mission of the Stewart Library information literacy program is to provide Weber State University (WSU) community with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively identify, find, evaluate and use information for academic success and to support lifelong learning."


Wartburg College Information Literacy

"The information literacy program is designed to embody leadership and visibility in promoting the library's mission of educating students."